About Me

Hello! I am a recent graduate from Washington University in St. Louis. I have a range of work experience, from finance to software engineering to data analytics. To learn more about my work experience, please click the buttons at the bottom of my home page. Outside of my career, I have a range of hobbies that I really enjoy. To learn more about me, keep scrolling!


Since I was a kid, I have grown up competitivly sailing. In highschool, I was elected as team captain, where I took our team to Nationals. It was the first time my school had ever qualified, and we were even the first team in New York State to ever qualify! I also coached sailing for two summers and was the president of my college sailing team. Now, I mostly sail for fun. Once in a while, I will participate in a local regatta with some friends.


Skiing is a hobby that I have always really enjoyed. I grew up skiing on the east coast, often going to Mountains such as Stratton, Bromley, Sugarbush, and Whiteface. Whenever I go skiing, I love to seek out terrain parks, since doing big jumps has always been really exciting for me. Currently, my best trick is a 360, however I am always looking to improve!

Rock Climbing

Recently, I have started getting into rock climbing. To me, rock climbing is a great way to get exercise and challenge myself. Over the summer, I was able to do some climbing in Acadia National Park, Maine. Now that I have my own equipment, I hope to be able to pursue this hobby more frequently.


Surfing is another hobby that I have been practicing for a while. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have cousins that lived near the beach, so they were able to teach me the basics. Then, Junior year I went abroad to Sydney Australia, where I would rent a board as often as I could. Now, I am more then capable on the water, and I really enjoy surfing in rougher conditions with bigger waves. Someday I hope to get barreled inside a wave!